Mooresville, NC
Next Public Sale: March 1-5, 2025
200 Brawley Avenue Mooresville, NC 28115
(Merino Mill Complex) - Same Location, New Space!
TKS Helper Registration is Open Now
Non-Consignors - Please use the link below to register as a TKS Helper for the 2025 Summer Sale in Mooresville - if you are not a consignor for this sale.
Consignors - If you are a consignor, register for Helper shifts by logging into your consignor account.

Teri Kidz Sale LOVES and appreciates our TKS Helper. It takes many hands to make Teri Kidz Sale run smoothly, and we couldn’t do it without you!
Would you like to be the FIRST to shop at our presale? Sign-up to be a TKS Helperz and you will receive a special pass to our TKS Helperz presale. SO WORTH SHOPPING FIRST! We have Helperz positions to fit anyone’s schedule. Dad’s, Moms, and Grandparents or just bring a group of friends in on the fun. Everyone is welcome to be part of our team to get in the early preview shop sale.
Our sales would not be possible or successful without your assistance. Thank you!
Our TKS Helperz:
- Help check-in items
- Assist on the floor during the sale
- Remove tags at checkout
- Assist customers
- Ensure that the sale runs smoothly
In the interest of safety, children are not allowed with you when you serve; however, we do have a few shifts available during sale hours that can be done while “wearing” a baby in a sling or wrap. If your baby can be happily worn for the duration of your shift, contact us so we can assign you to an appropriate placement.
Please click "Sign-Up to be a TKS Helper!" above to login or create an account and to view/select a time to help.